Divine Revelation

A blog with an Islamic perspective

This appeared in letters to the editor in the Khaleej Times day before yesterday.

FAMILY is the bedrock of the society. The onslaught of the materialistic culture is leading to a negation of the family system, with rise in single parenthood, teenage pregnancies and crime against women.Legalising gay and lesbian relationships, leaving the have-nots and the needy at the mercy of the State or NGOs and consigning old persons to old age homes are all acts that go against the will of the God, and will be catastrophic to the humanity. The need of the hour is to strengthen the family system and inculcate human virtues like love, kindness, mercy etc in the younger generation. Islam has given utmost importance to the rights of parents, spouses, children, relatives and widows. Let us make our family the most-secure refuge against all inward and outward troubles.
I wrote the above as part of a campaign that is being run to highlight the importance of the family and following Islamic rules and regulations related to family.
More details available here.

Posted by Arshad on Wednesday, December 06, 2006.

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