Divine Revelation

A blog with an Islamic perspective

Objective: To find the importance of verbal proclamation in Islam
Bilal (ra) was one the most illustrious companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He was an Abyssinian slave in Mecca and one of the earliest converts to Islam. He was constantly tortured by his master Umayya bin Khalaf who made him lie on the scorching desert sand by placing huge boulders on his chest. Bilal would be told to recite the name of Lat and Uzza the principal deities of the Mushrikeen or idol worshippers, but instead he would just defiantly raise his finger and chant ahad ahad meaning one, one. Bilal immortalized the resistance against Shirk (joining partners to Allah) and became an epitome of Tawheed or the one-ness of God.
The creed or the first pillar of Islam is embodied by the Kalima or Recital "La Ilaha Il Lal Lah" which means none is worthy of worship except Allah". This doctrine of One-ness of Allah or Tawheed (derived from Wahada which means One) is the preamble of Muslim faith, in which no compromise or modification is permitted.
The Holy Quran says in Sura Saffat 37:4

Translation: Verily verily your Allah is One!

The Sura Al-Fatiha (may be termed as the opening chapter of the Holy Quran) is recited in every rakat of the Muslim prayer or Salat. The Sura begins with the words

Transliteration: Al Hamd o lil lahi Rabbil Aa-lameen
Translation: All Praise belongs to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
A natural corollary of Tawheed is that Allah alone is deserving of all praise and gratitude.The word Hamd implies both Praise and thanksgiving.In Urdu it is usually translated as "taareef" and in Hindi as prashansa.However the Sanskrit word Vandana must qualify as being closest to render its true meaning. According to the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon vandana means praise worship adoration. The verb vande is a derivative of this noun vandana.Thus Alhamdoillah could also be translated as "Poori vandana Allah hi ke liye hai". Replace the word Allah with another Deity and you have something that is against Tawheed the cornerstone of Iman or faith. It is tantamount to Kufr (rejection of faith) and Shirk (joining partners to Allah). It is an absolutely unpardonable sin in Islam which no true Muslim can think of committing.
So it is quite clear that verbal profession of faith has immense value. Next to understand the background and meaning of Vande Mataram.

Posted by Arshad on Thursday, August 31, 2006.

2 Responses to “V M Series (I) Believe not Say not”

  1. # Blogger S.M.Masoom

    I see nothing wrong in reciting the national song as long as it does not amount to worshipping. Actually, all the confusion was on account of the word, ‘Vande‘. After consulting different dictionaries I found that the word has several meanings which also includes worship. Islam clearly bans worship of anyone other than Allah. You cannot even worship the Prophet.

  2. # Blogger Arshad

    Salam alykum
    Thank you for visiting my blog Mohamad.
    You seem to contradict your ownself in this comment.  

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